Pantonia’s latest Province, Dassenberg, has experienced intense flooding in the past month. The Province is located in the heart of Noordhoek, Cape Town. Early last month, a Level 8 warning was issued in the Western Cape when a Cyclone hit Cape Town. The cyclone brought over 50mm of rain and wind speeds up to 90km/h. The storm flooded countless roads, caused over 30 power outages, and destroyed nearly 1000 homes.

08 June, 2024 06 August, 2024
Steenveld, Dassenberg, Pantonia

Pantonian Authorities were first unable to investigate into the flooding due to road closures. But finally, an expedition initiated on the 6th of August has revealed the scale of the flooding.
“It could have been much worse.” stated King Alexander, the leader of the expedition.
“If this is the state of Dassenberg a month after the storm, imagine how much worse it was during the storm”, he said. Alexander states that Steenveld probably floods every year, but nothing more than a few centimetres. The flood is estimated to be 45cm deep, submerging the whole town and field.

Steenveld is a popular tourist destination in Dassenberg. Many describe the clearing to be almost magical. The submergence of the town is truly devastating.

The flood has completely submerged the town of Steenveld, along with the villages of Darsel and Lola Heights. A further expedition was sent on the 7th of August to investigate the valleys of Marramberg. Luckily the only other thing that was found was minor flooding near Farrolrivier. The S35 was slightly flooded, but still suitable for transportation.

Blocked roads due to flooding as of August 7th, 2024

The Following roads have been reported by the Pantonian Government as blocked or submerged:

  • H8
  • S48
  • S12
  • H4 (near H3 intersection)
  • S35

Dassenberg isn’t the only place thats experiencing flooding at the moment, a Pantonian Embassy in Detroit has recently received a flooding warning.

With the upcoming elections, Pantonian Citizens are left pondering what will become of their nation if action isn’t taken. In other news, the candidate of the Al Burger party, Khalid, has retired. The new candidate, known as Mr Madness has succeeded him. The constitution of Pantonia has recently been ratified by the Parliament, and is waiting for approval from King Alexander.

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Anni D · August 8, 2024 at 5:43 pm

Rain wind cold as ice

Annette · August 8, 2024 at 5:47 pm

Wind, rain, icy cold me thinking of you

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