Hello everybody! It’s me, the e!
It’s my first time writing here on this cool blog. But enough about here.
This post will mostly be about the development on the conflict that is going on at the moment.
So as you may know, braden and LiA are going for django’s throat because “he has been mean”.
This ofcourse is not true because django = cool & braden = not cool. But, why did Braden accuse
django of being a bad person? Well, that is because django were in a small little argument,
Braden proceeds to go “WhY aRe YoU bEiNg So NeGaTiVe” and then django said “If you weren’t here
i wouldn’t be so negative”. But then Braden mistook that for “I wish you weren’t alive”. He maybe
could’ve phrased it better but still, django said sorry and that he didn’t mean that. But ofcourse
they didn’t accept it because they are Braden and LiA (aka psychopaths).
Apparently django first said
“Braden is being outcasted for being a dick”, bit harsh but deserved and then braden started saying
that he was a bad person.
But personally i do not buy that story. I should do some more research on
that just in case. Later Utrea started a campaign for recruiting troops on the same day the sh*t hit
the fan. So obviously we panicked, and after Braden saying that we are iDiOtS and that the campaign
was running for months, we disproved that.
How you may ask? Well the channel was created months ago,
but the message wasn’t. Currently the coalition is still looking into the situation if Braden & LiA
are going to do something (and also meme about the situation). And then disaster struck,
Braden’s “sister” which we believe is LiA or Braden.
LiA is also actively trying to dox django.
This is extremely worrying because they might actually affect django’s personal life which
would not be ideal because LiA did do this before to Konnor, even though she said she didn’t.
She nearly got Konnor suspended via e-mail, and his school takes cyberbullying very seriously.
And uhh, yeah that is about where we are right now.
Pretty worrying but memable situation.
Maybe django is gonna make a new slander meme? Possibly? Or maybe me? We will never know…
Anyway, we just have to wait for more updates.
Meanwhile, please just show some support to django and the rest of the coalition, because dox bad.
How much she is saying we doxxed her, we basically didn’t. Leaking IPs that are IPv4 is not harmful.
But it is funny for prnank. That IP could even be out of date because of dynamic ip techical stuff.
Take care
Also ayo shoutout to django’s grangran.
Onyx The Pantonian · October 26, 2022 at 8:59 pm
now i know whæt hæpenned
Panda · November 20, 2022 at 9:12 am
Wow thats crazy I hope everything is good now
Cake · March 5, 2023 at 12:04 pm
holy balls that’s coo coo crazy