In recent weeks, solar developments have resumed in Yutheria. For about a year, a solar panel skeleton has stood between Ă–land and Valenta, garnering little community attention. About 2 months ago, actual solar panels were installed, and received positive responses from the local community. About a month ago, a concrete structure was added behind the panels without much community objection. However, just a few weeks ago, the Land Lady Union (LLU) continued its initiatives by revamping the electricity network beneath the Y2 Main road. The entire road was dug up under the LLU’s orders, in order to expose the cables and tubes underneath.

This has faced strong backlash from the local community, mainly due to its foreign directive and lack of prior notice. Due to the centrality of the road, locals now face major detours to traverse towns, impacting their ability to reach jobs or schools. Despite the negative community backlash, the government of Yutheria seems to be allowing it and shrugging it off. However, the government has attempted to combat the issue by constructing makeshift bridges and offering short helicopter rides across the trench. Multiple protests have aroused, not only during the road excavation, but also directed at the government for permitting it. The majority of the protests against the government are locals from Seusconda, as they have already witnessed the unfortunate destruction caused by an unknown tractor. Now on top of that, the farmers are struggling to transport their produce easily to other Yutherian towns, futher angering the local community. This situation is very unfortunate, but hopefully the construction will be completed swiftly, unlike the solar panel skeleton that stood still for a year with no progress.

In other news, the relationship between the Pantonian monarchy and the Land Lady Union has deceased. Alexander and his mother have resided in Modenshia for 3 years, and have finally decided to move back to Magrathea for now, while visiting Anniestown in the process. Upon departure, they became the target of Fania, the LLU leader, who withheld half of their deposit, claiming it was for replacing “dirty sheets” that were hardly even used.
This has really upset the countess and the King, and King Alexander has announced plans to organize an invasion or protest in the Land Lady Union upon his return from Anniestown, seeking at least 85% of their deposit. The Pantonian government are also preparing for an upcoming election for govenor of Modenshia, now that the monarchy has left the region. The current confirmed parties are: Meowdenshia, lead by Splix poker/Lukas, Bob party, led by Kayo Salman Wittner, and the Uri Party, lead none other than the former Lower class mayor, Uri. Voting might becoming public within a week. Futher updates on the situation will be avaliable during the coming weeks. Thanks for reading today’s article and we hope everyone has a good day!